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Concerning Hobbits

Well, this isn't really concerning Hobbits nor am I trying to plagiarize the great Tolkien. This is merely my first attempt to start a blog in the year 2016 - Yes, I have had many blogs throughout the years but none of them really took flight. The purpose of this blog isn't to really take 'flight' but to actually share my personal walk with Christ and what I find useful as a newly born-again Christian. It is also fitting that I start this in the week of the 23rd in the month of October because a long long time ago, that's when life first started for me.

I'm Moses Hoole. Ethnically, I am Sri Lankan. Professionally, I am a Design Release Engineer (Co-op) at a leading automotive manufacturing company in North America and the whole world. I'm also a student and always will be one. I'm a senior at arguably one of the most reputed universities known to the Automotive Industry in North America. However, all of this amounts to nothing because personally, I am a filthy, sinful human being with a constant need for a savior and I have one in Jesus Christ, thanks be to Him.

I come from a family of six generation of Anglicans. To quote Moses' prayer from Psalm 90  , God has been our hiding place for all generations. God chooses deliberately, purposefully, the weak things of the world to confound the strong, as Alistair Begg preaches. This is seen throughout the Scripture but also rings true in my family history. God's been gracious to bring servants for Him from our family, all six generations of it's known existence. That said, my nuclear family isn't Anglican - more on that later.  It's only because of God's grace have we've survived history, especially that of my nation.Now that I've shared murky details of my origins with my audience, I think it's time to start blogging.


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