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Remembering Charles R. A. Hoole

Seventeen years ago today, Charles Ratnamuktan Alban Hoole, known affectionately by many as Charles/ Muktan, met face to face with His Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. Life of Charles Hoole Charles/Muktan was born on the 18th of March 1951. He was the second son of Rev. Richard Hoole and Jeevamany Somasundaram of the Anglican Church in Ceylon. He was educated at St. John’s College in Jaffna, where he became notorious for his towering sixers as a young cricketer. Charles completed his B.A (Hons), and M.A at the University of Hull in Yorkshire, UK, after which he moved to the Department of Religious Studies in McMaster University in Canada for his M.A and Ph.D.   Marriage to Jaqui Charles met his wife Jacqueline Patricia Guiver during his time at the University of Hull Christian Union (CU) in the late 1970s, where Jaqui was serving as the Overseas Representative. Charles later became a Theological Students’ Rep in the CU where he brought along many overseas friends to hear the good news of...
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The Disciple Whom Jesus Loves

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Resolutions for My Tongue.

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